随其手也,千百家庭得以绝处逢生:随其笔也,沉溺之身攀上救命方舟;随其声也,域外人士惊识中华文明;随其形也,离乱生命重建人世信心 - 余秋雨
This is September 7th, the last night before the courses start. I am now physically in the United States of America and I cannot describe how I feel exactly. Let me try to analyze these feelings. First of all, the COVID really makes me nervous, afraid of being infected. Second, the academic and peer pressures are also challenging. I also need to deal with everything by myself. Finally, I might be homesick after a period. That's all.
Talked to PoXiao(alias) last night and he said that he found a job here in China mainland. PoXiao was a senior when I was in high school. He is also the one who took me into the furry fandom. I was not familiar with him during high school time, probably not even at this moment, but I know him better, at least. He said he received an offer from a company in Wuhan, China. The initial salary is about 1.2k to 1.5k CNY per month and there would be a raise if he does will. He accepted that job. I was happy that he could find a good job. I mean, at the first time I saw him, he was just 3rd grade in high school, and now, without the concept of how long it has been, a person with various computer science knowledge and has a bachelor's degree from some college in the UK. (更多…)